Second World War Memorial in Volgograd (Russia)

Second World War Memorial in Volgograd (Russia)

On the year of the 60th anniversary of the World War II armistice, the city of Volgograd (Russia) has restored the Mamáyev Kurgán (Мама́ев Курга́н, in Russian) a large commemorative monument located on the homonymous hill, where the legendary battle of Stalingrad was fought between August 1942 and February 1943. The memorial commemorates the Soviet victory in this famous battle, the bloodiest of the Second World War, which took the lives of over three million people, both military and civilians.

 The complex includes a large museum dedicated to this famous battle, renovated this year following the designs by architect E. Vuchetich. His team chose URSA XPS to insulate the building’s roofing, where 10 cm thick boards of the company’s renowned product have been installed.


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